Julie Doucet (CA)
The Canadian artist's first retrospective.
This exhibition is not recommended for children.
«Dark and dirty» – relentlessly biographical and in shameless detail. Julie Doucet’s Dirty Plotte set the male dominated comic world of the 90’s into motion. With her black ink illustrations, the Quebec artist overrode most of the taboos which to date still dictate female self-portrayal. Headstrong and courageous, she translated the liberation coup of the 70’s underground comics into the grunge era. Her self-published fanzines were the first comic books to officially be published by Dawn & Quarterly and ensured the successful debut of this now renowned comic publishing house. Julie Doucet drew her way through Montreal, New York, Seattle and Berlin – experiments with the German language can be viewed – before she dropped the pen ten years ago. She then began to experiment with image and word collages, screen and wood-printing as well as with various forms of self-publishing. Fumetto showcases Julie Doucet’s first retrospection worldwide. From her first steps at comics through to her her newest illustrations. The exhibition connects the dots from this Montreal art student’s beginnings all way through to her return to drawing as a worldwide received artist. Over 100 originals allow for unique and very private glimpses behind the scenes of her creations – and of her life as a young illustrator in the 90’s.
- akku Kunstplattform
April 1 – 9, 10 am – 8 pm - Reception: Sun. April 2, 3.30 pm